Beau and I have made it a habit of making ginger snaps at Christmas time and they usually turn out wonderful, soft, fluffy, with the cracks and delicious sugar coating. Seeing as how this is our first year married and first with our own kitchen, I was so excited about the baking for this year.
Beau wasn't as excited, he was very busy this week working full time, finals week for us, and playing guitar at church on the weekend. Our original plan was to bake the gingersnaps on Friday night but then ended up being postponed to Saturday night. Saturday night wasn't as good for me because I had gotten up early and went out shopping with my mom and sister in a few towns over and then went straight to church and we weren't back home until 8:30 or so. Then we ate dinner and relaxed a little while... we didn't end up baking until 10:30!
The dough just never was right and I think it has something to do with the butter being too soft, it's a very sensitive part of making cookies, and I've always been better at whipping up a meal than baking something. Baking is so precise! Sure it seems real easy when Martha does it but it's not for noobs. (noobies, beginner, novice) lol!
Anyways the first round just flattened out like those lacey looking crispy cookies and were all wrong! I did two minuets less time on the next tray but no luck, same outcome only a little lighter in color.
I know it shouldn't be such a big deal but my heart just sank. No amount of my husband tasting them and saying "but Bug they taste good" would help. Bless his heart though!
Failure is not a feeling I enjoy but the truth is I fail, and I fail often. I'm far from perfect and I can't stand the feeling that I've come up short and if I can't contribute these cookies to Christmas somehow I'm not worthy to partake. I know, dramatic right? but these are real feelings. The sermon this weekend was about the real reason for the season and, this did come as a shock to hear my pastor say, but he said Jesus isn't the reason for the season, sin is. His point being that because we have failed to live according to his glorious standard we needed a savior. I still think Jesus is the reason for the season because He is that Savior for us but I loved the point of saying it that way.
I need a savior, not because my cookie failed but because I was born this way, broken, a sinner. I fail. But Jesus came as a humble baby to live a perfect life and die on the cross to take my place. He then raised from the dead and raised me with him. Now I am saved, redeemed and I'm worth something to Him. I'd say I'm worth a whole lot considering all He did for me.
He did it because he loves mankind! He created us and He loves us! Amen?!
God has changed my life forever by giving me life, real life, eternal life with Him. He's taken this hunk of flesh, full of failure, and made me something special. So this I what I needed to do with the remainder of the ginger snaps cookie dough.
The next morning I surveyed last night's mess and saw the dough in the fridge... I decided I would turn these into a cookie-cake-brownie of some sorts and hope for the best. I pulled out the brownie pan and filled it with the rest of the dough. I pressed it in to the corners of the pan and sprinkled sugar over the top. I watched t closely as I cooked in the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. 10 minutes, then another 10, then five more, then 2 more and finally I decided it was done. I pulled it out and let it cool as we ate lunch. I cut it up into squares and Beau was eager to try them :) he's so kind! They turned out great! Oooy gooey ginger goodness with crunchy edges. Much better than the crispy flat cookies haha!
I hope you all have a wonder Christmas and you make ginger cookie-brownies out of your problematic dough. hehe!
Ginger Snaps! Recipie:
1 1/2 cups butter
2 cups sugar
2 eggs
1/2 cup molasses
4 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon ground cloves
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
additional sugar for rolling
In a mixing bowl cream together butter and sugar. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each one. Beat in molasses. In a separate bowl combine the flour, baking soda, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, salt and nutmeg. gradually add the dry ingredients to the creamed mixture. Refrigerate for an hour or until the dough is easy to handle (because it is very sticky at first.) Roll into 1 inch balls , roll balls in sugar. Place 2 inches apart on baking sheet. Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 8 to 10 minutes or until puffy and lightly browned. Cool on the cookie sheet for a minute before placing them on a wire rack to continue to cool.
I have successfully made this recipe many a time with my bear but this year God had a different plan ;) I'm glad I could share this tragic cookie story an I hope I've in some small way encouraged you today.
Love, Cait
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