Friday, May 15, 2015

I'm (nearly) half a nurse!!!

I'm am so blessed to be already (almost) done with my first year of nursing school! In the midst of this program it has felt so difficult and long lasting, but now at the end of this year it seems to have flown by, it's a strange feeling. I am ready for a nice long summer break to refuel for my second year but I can't believe that next year at this time I will be graduating from the RN program! I still feel like there is so much I need to learn! 

God has been so faithful in my life as well as through this program, so many times I have been filled with anxiety, nervousness, and fear but He has held me up! I always want to reflect on this blog His goodness toward me and what He is doing in my life.

I have come to the realization once again that He is my power source and apart from Him I can do nothing! In light of nursing school this means that I cannot be the nurse that my patients need if I'm not connected to Him. His love, His healing, His grace are what they truly need and all I hope to be is His tool that He uses to bring them to Himself. 

I always want to wrap up my semesters with this type of journal post so I can remember what I was feeling and hopefully encourage somebody!

Much love, Cait