Friday, May 15, 2015

I'm (nearly) half a nurse!!!

I'm am so blessed to be already (almost) done with my first year of nursing school! In the midst of this program it has felt so difficult and long lasting, but now at the end of this year it seems to have flown by, it's a strange feeling. I am ready for a nice long summer break to refuel for my second year but I can't believe that next year at this time I will be graduating from the RN program! I still feel like there is so much I need to learn! 

God has been so faithful in my life as well as through this program, so many times I have been filled with anxiety, nervousness, and fear but He has held me up! I always want to reflect on this blog His goodness toward me and what He is doing in my life.

I have come to the realization once again that He is my power source and apart from Him I can do nothing! In light of nursing school this means that I cannot be the nurse that my patients need if I'm not connected to Him. His love, His healing, His grace are what they truly need and all I hope to be is His tool that He uses to bring them to Himself. 

I always want to wrap up my semesters with this type of journal post so I can remember what I was feeling and hopefully encourage somebody!

Much love, Cait

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Fit Challenge

Tuesday: Day 3

Sorry I've already gotten behind, but on Tuesday I chose to do some relaxing and gentle Yoga because Tuesdays are my longest day of the week. 

I have been following this adorable Yogi on YouTube and I absolutely love the way she approaches yoga. She is relaxed, lighthearted, and smiling! I originally learned yoga at a studio in my town through my college and I started something new for me. I love the connection of the mind and body, like Pilates, and I also enjoy the gentleness of it. It reminds me to treat my body nicely, relax, and enjoy movement. 

Here is an extra link to here channel:

Here is a link to the video I started with and that I love to revisit on those Tuesdays that I am feeling tired and rundown:

Thanks for reading, sorry I'm late in posting this, and be sure to follow Adriene on YouTube!

Fit Challenge

Monday day 2: At the Gym

25 calf raises

The Hundred 

27 minutes on the treadmill

Full body stretch once your heart rate has come down

**the hundred is a Pilates move that involves a tight core, structured breathing, and one hundred pumps of the arms. If you're not familiar with the Hundred check it out on you tube

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Fit Challenge

I'm going to start posting a fit challenge every so often on this here blog!

Sunday: day 1

25 heel raises
head-to-toe stretch/ range of motion 

Heel raise description: 

Start feet parallel and hip distance apart,

check in with your posture and start a head-to-toe check: chin up, gaze straight ahead, shoulders down and back, abdominals engaged, belly button to spine, hips neutral, toes spread and weight balanced evenly between each leg as well as between toes and heels.   

slowly raise both heels at the same time and balance all weight on the highest point of your toes. weight should be focused to the second toe for the best balance. but all toes remain in contact with the floor. 

slowly lower both heels at the same time resisting the urge to plop down, as you lower down softly raise through the spine and top of the head. 

Head-to-toe stretch description:

gently look in all directions: right, left, up, down 
circle head and neck around clockwise and counter clockwise
roll shoulders forward and back
move shoulders up and down
make circles with arms forward and back
stretch each arm across and over head
stretch each side in a lateral stretch 
reach up on an inhale and stretch back ever so slightly while lifting the gaze and heart up
exhale and bend down toward toes
bend and straighten legs relaxing in this stretch of the lower back and backs of the legs
bend knees and slowly roll up through the spine
step right leg back into a gentle lunge and strecth the calf; return
step left leg back now; return
roll each ankle in both directions
roll through each foot up the the toes and back to flat
take a deep breath and drink some water :)

You did it!!

Memory Verse

Romans 5:8 New Living Translation (NLT)

But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.

Romans 5:8New King James Version (NKJV)

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 5:8New International Version (NIV)

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

This verse has blessed me on numerous occasions because it reminds me that Jesus loved me so much he lived a perfect life and died on a cross for me before I knew him, and well before I chose to follow him with my life. To think that 2000+ years ago he came knowing all the sinful places in my heart and yet he still did it! He demonstrated love! He is love! Love never fails!!!

Think about this verse this week christian, as we get ready to celebrate Easter.
Jesus loves you!

Love, Cait

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Second Semester....Almost Half Way!!! Eee!!

My second semester of nursing school has been an experience I will not soon forget! The one word that I could use to describe how I feel about this semester is THANKFUL! I am so thankful to have this opportunity not only to become an RN, but also to have the instructors I have had, the patients who have let me care for them in clinicals,  my awesome group of carpoolers who know exactly what I'm going through in this process, and most importantly I am thankful to my Lord and Savior, Jesus, who is faithful! He sustains me on the long hard days, through the test that I bombed, in my weakest moments, my anxiety ridden moments, and also in those moments when I have gotten something right. I know it's all Him, not me and I am thankful! I would also like to note that I am so THANKFUL it's almost spring break! Hey-oh!! hehe ;p 

Anywho I just wanted to send out some updates! I'm still alive, don't worry!! lol!

Thanks for reading!

Love, Cait

Memory Verse

2 Chronicles 16:9 NLT

The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to

 strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.

 What a fool you have been! From now on you will be at


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Cleaning House

Hey there! Since I spent the last two days cleaning up Christmas and organizing a bit I thought I show so pictures while it's still organized ;)

Out went the tree and we moved the popisan chair from the office into the living room.
we also put that lamp on a high stand it looks a bit strange but I puts the light where we wanted it and prevents us from having to purchase a floor lamp!

Getting geared up for second semester!!! two new books here one for pediatrics, and one for maternal newborn nursing! Plus my Intravenous medications reference book is on it's way. Exciting times ahead!

Kirby would like to know where we put his tree!?

He found my book boxes...any box will suit his fancy! Hahaha!

I've also been working on another project that just needs a few more touches until I snap some pics and put into the blog-o-sphere as well! So stay tuned!

 Thank you for reading!
 Love, Caitlin