Sunday, March 29, 2015

Fit Challenge

I'm going to start posting a fit challenge every so often on this here blog!

Sunday: day 1

25 heel raises
head-to-toe stretch/ range of motion 

Heel raise description: 

Start feet parallel and hip distance apart,

check in with your posture and start a head-to-toe check: chin up, gaze straight ahead, shoulders down and back, abdominals engaged, belly button to spine, hips neutral, toes spread and weight balanced evenly between each leg as well as between toes and heels.   

slowly raise both heels at the same time and balance all weight on the highest point of your toes. weight should be focused to the second toe for the best balance. but all toes remain in contact with the floor. 

slowly lower both heels at the same time resisting the urge to plop down, as you lower down softly raise through the spine and top of the head. 

Head-to-toe stretch description:

gently look in all directions: right, left, up, down 
circle head and neck around clockwise and counter clockwise
roll shoulders forward and back
move shoulders up and down
make circles with arms forward and back
stretch each arm across and over head
stretch each side in a lateral stretch 
reach up on an inhale and stretch back ever so slightly while lifting the gaze and heart up
exhale and bend down toward toes
bend and straighten legs relaxing in this stretch of the lower back and backs of the legs
bend knees and slowly roll up through the spine
step right leg back into a gentle lunge and strecth the calf; return
step left leg back now; return
roll each ankle in both directions
roll through each foot up the the toes and back to flat
take a deep breath and drink some water :)

You did it!!

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